Do you "Baggie?"

...No, no that kind of baggie!
For most of the women who are aware of this method they use a plastic shower cap to baggie but because of my XL head I like to use saran wrap....but that's besides the point.

Why do I baggie?
Right now the temperature in Afghanistan is 120 in the sun and my hair gets very dry. I need to make sure I am keeping that much needed moisture in my hair and my ends are protected. Did you know that your ends are the oldest on your head? This makes them the driest and it makes them more prone to breakage. Imagine how much them bad boys have been through. When I hear my ends whispering in my ear telling me they are thirsty that's when I run for the moisture. LOL!
Yes, I wear braids but I still need to baggie. Remember its important to treat your hair as if you are not in braids.

How do you baggie?
I learned this method from one of the member's on BHM who has been very successful with it. Here are the simple steps:
1. First find yourself a good moisturizer.I like to use SCurl. Spray this on the ends of your hair.
2. Next find yourself a good sealant. Most people like to use 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) or other natural oils as coconut. I like to use Jamaican Black Castor oil since I am trying to work on thickness.
3. Next take your shower cap and place the ends of your hair in it and secure it with a "safe to use" scrunchy on top of the bag and hair.

Yup, that's all to it! Using this method you are able to maintain moisture on the ends of your hair while you sleep or through your normal day activates. Uh huh..yup I said it....through your normal day activates. How? Some of the women on the boards like to baggie their ends and style their hair in a bun. This way the plastic shower cap is concealed if you do it right. So you are protecting your hair and looking good at the same time. You do it girl!


  1. I like how you break it down Tiff: nice and simple

  2. happy blogging. you give good advice. hope your hair keep growing and black hair media is a wealth of info. i just discovered it ! good job!


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