Does Your Hair Absorb Moisture?

Does your hair feel moisturized and then later on in the day it feel dry like you never did anything to it? Well if you try my miracle product I can promise you lighting fast results! SIKE! I am joking! When I was writing this it seemed like I was getting ready to advertise a product so I just ran with it!
But seriously does your hair feel moisturized one minute and dry as heck the next? What's up with that? Well what do you know about porosity and your hair? Oh you haven't heard? Ummm well Porosity is your hairs ability to absorb moisture. This is determined by the condition of the hair's cuticle layer. The cuticles are fish scale look a things on your hair. If they are wide opened the hair too-readily absorbs moisture and overly-porous hair also releases moisture easily and becomes dry and is easily damaged.
So what products do I recommend? Try: Roux Porosity Conditioner. I used it last night for the first time and so far I can actually notice the difference in my hair. I am going to keep using this for a couple of washes to see how my hair turns out.
More info on this can be found at: Hair Porosity


  1. "Well if you try my miracle product I can promise you lighting fast results! SIKE! I am joking!"

    LOL LOL LOL!!!! Girl I nearly passed out from laughing. Your too crazy!! I thought I was the only one who is still keeping 'sike' alive!

    PS: Did you join Macherie's new profile site? If so add me!

  2. Girl I just got a email about you know you were born in the 80's if you say SIKE! No I havent looked at Machuhdsfgfhs site <-- however you spell her name but let me check it out and I will add you.

  3. Dang im back! I cant get on it from work. This is the message I got:
    You were denied access because:
    Access denied by SmartFilter content category. The requested URL belongs to the following category: Dating.
    So I will try tonight after work.


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