
So what's deal with this new growth aid that's been out for some months? Its like the new MTG! Yes its another product for horses but its also made for us. The ladies of LHCF and BHM are getting growth left and right. One girl on BHM reported today that she used it 3 times a week for 4 weeks and her hair grew like hell! Here is the link: I hope she doesn't mind. MEGA-TEK GROWTH PIC's of Others:LHCF and LHCF pt2
When I heard about it yall know I went out and got it. I have been using it on and off but NOW after seeing the results and doing my research I am going to hop on this bandwagon and start using it faithfully. I plan to use it on my scalp straight without mixing it with anything. This will be my growth aid for this set of braids. We will see how it works! *crossing fingers*
Wanna buy Mega-Tek? BUY


  1. All I can say is that it works for me!

  2. About how long did it take for them to ship it to you?

    do they charge shipping?

  3. I need to buy this product! I've heard so many good things about it!


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