Back To Braids...

Well its back to the braids. This time I got the Wet and Wavy kind. They charged $200.00.  For some reason  I am scurrred to switch and get kinky twists. Since the braids are what's growing my hair I feel like that is the only thing that will work.  As you will see in the finished picture below that the braids are HELL-A-TIGHT! How in the hell do they braid so close to the scalp??I will keep these in until March, my next vacation. Since I am SINGLE now I will focus more on my hair. Hopefully I will make APL next reveal!

 The picture below is the lady braiding my hair. She is almost finished. I think I was ready to cry in this picture!

...And this is the finished product. Check out my forehead. I think she braided it so tight she took a couple of inches off my "fohead!"


  1. They look niiiice! I love my braidssuper tigh an neat looking but I am giving braids a break to thicken up my edges! These braids look great on you tho1


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