Hello blog buddies! I am trying to update this site. Look up and you will see my menu bar. I have been searching for soooo long on how to do this but today I finally found out how to do it! So anyway. I made the different menu topics and now I have to go back and change the label in over 200 posts! :( So if you click on one and its jacked up or there is 1 post in it....MY BAD!!!! LOL! I will try to finish this B4 the week is out. Also for you bloggers who wanna do this to your blog here is the site: Add Menu Bar. I like sharing information unlike some people. :)
Hello blog buddies! I am trying to update this site. Look up and you will see my menu bar. I have been searching for soooo long on how to do this but today I finally found out how to do it! So anyway. I made the different menu topics and now I have to go back and change the label in over 200 posts! :( So if you click on one and its jacked up or there is 1 post in it....MY BAD!!!! LOL! I will try to finish this B4 the week is out. Also for you bloggers who wanna do this to your blog here is the site: Add Menu Bar. I like sharing information unlike some people. :)
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