Mega - Tek and Protein Overload on Braids

Ohh no please say my baby MEGATEK is NOT guilty of this! To all you heffa's accusing my baby of this HE is NOT guilty! I only use him every two days so he doesnt get tired of me and that way I can balance out my other relationship with ummm whats his face....Mr. Moisturizer. At times his stuff gets a little too hard but then I just soften it up a little with Mr. Moisturizer. But after hearing all these RUMORS about my baby I will have one eye open so thank you all for the warning.

P.S You heffas make me sick! LOL! I'm joking. I love you all and in case you didnt get my joke I am talking about using too much protein (Megatek). I try to balance it out so I wont have that hard crunchy hair.


  1. is this stuff only for african americans hair? or would it work in my thin straight hair?


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