Yup, here I go taking down more strands. That entire side is just about out! Tonight I decided to deviate from my hair schedule because I really needed to wash my braids. Oh that's right I didn't tell yall!!!!! Well the other day I was off work I decided to do the whole 9 to my hair...pre-poo, clarify, condition, deep cond and everything. I decided to finally use that avocado in the frig. I mixed it with some olive oil and put it in my braids and let it sit for like 30 minutes. I did the YouTube video and errthing. Well while the video was uploading the mix was marinating in my braids. So once the video uploaded I noticed I had a comment on it! I clicked on the comment and the girl said that's NOT an avocado, it looks more like a kiwi!! OMG! ya'll I almost fainted. I immediately took the video off YouTube, lol and edited it. After that I spent the rest of my lovely day off trying to pick kiwi out of my braids! I didn't get it all out and I had slimy green, bugger looking like things in my braids! Lesson learned...know ya fruit! LOL, yall pray 4 me cause I'm a lil special at times! :)
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