Brian Shilhavy founder of Tropical Traditions was the first to export virgin coconut oil from the Phillipeans to the US. One day he asked his wife of a more natural way to extract the oil from the coconut so he wouldn't have to purchase the refined coconut oil in the stores. His wife informed him of the natural way that the older generations used to do it. Well he started doing this and posted the product to the web and the demand became so great for it that he did not want to start using machines to produce the oil. So he started other families within the coconut community to producing the homemade coconut for him. If you are not sold yet on the idea....well what makes their oil so different from all the others or the ones we are used to using for our hair? They are just about the only ones that are making their oil the homemade way and the only ones smart enough to advertise it, LOL! Needless to say I will be ordering some of this oil.
Their premiere brand (Gold) is still made by hand.
Website: Homemade Coconut Oil
1 pint (16 FL. oz.) - glass jar
Now! - $19.95
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