Micro Braid Knots...

What's the purpose of them? Well it helps to secure the braid. It prevents it from unraveling when you either comb , wash or however you manipulate the braid. They can help the braids last a long time but they can be a pain in the butt to take down. You have to be extremely careful not to cut your own hair because often the knots are NOT at the end of your hair. But as with anything else practice make prefect!

Okay I know the next question is how do I take mine down? Well I like to use a pair of sharp pointy scissors or a small needle. If you use a needle be sure not to prick yourself a million times by the time you are finished, lol! Anyway....I also like to use one of those combs with the thin metal tip. I first find the knot, take the metal end of the comb and slid it in the knot and "pull" the knot with the comb. This allows me to slid the scissor in between the knot and the braid so I can snip it. Well I know I did a bad job of explaining it so here are some pic's:
