Getting My Braids Out :(

So I am posting this while I am getting my braids taken out. :( I am going to miss my pony hair. :( My roots are feeling very thick and soft. I think I owe that to the Hydratherma Products. It is so tempting to get a relaxer but I would like to reach 8 months. Right now I am 16 weeks, I think. Anyway here is a picture of what I am looking like now...a H.A.M! Also here is a pic of the lady who is taking them down. She is very gentle and that's a plus because I am so tender-headed. :)...Aww hell as I type this they just offered my cousin to help take them down. Aint this some shizzzzz.....


  1. LOL No they didn't ask your cousin?!?! That's some mess girl. I would have asked them if they were paying her. Your hair is too thick for your behind to tender headed. smh I don't know who I'm fooling suddenly, I am. NEVER was until I became natural. I don't know how you keep up on those braids. I damn near pass out.

    BTW, I'm doing a length check in a couple of days.


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