Lace Fronts: How I Create A Natural Hair Line

Let’s talk about my lace front hairlines.

I get a lot of emails about how do I make my hairline look so natural. Well it’s easy. 9 times outta 10 I do not do anything special. Think about this……Most women love to style their hair neat without a strand outta place. But to me if your hair is without a strand out of place and you are wearing a lacefront…..something just doesn’t look right. Am I right ladies? Tell me I’m lying.

If you opt to wear lace fronts then I believe that hairline needs to look a lil messy….wait hold on before you judge….like I was saying ….it needs to look a lil messy to mask the edge of the lace in the front from showing. That’s why in all my pictures you see me with baby hairs in the front. It’s sorta my signature.

I don’t care how perfect you are at applying a lacefront but when somebody like your new boo is all up in your face I bet he will spot that edge of that lace. But if you have those messy hairs it will throw him off and cause him to focus on ya part area. J But your part will be on point because you have bleached knots and a scalp tone stocking on…rigggghhht? LOL……… Now you understand? Ok moving on.

So in my opinion if you choose not to wear baby hairs then you can expect that when somebody is up in ya personal space they are going to see that edge unless you have successfully matched your lace to your skin tone. What are the odds? Yeah it looks good with the camera flash BUT what about in person? Get it?

But in conclusion to keep me from going thru alllllllll that trouble and time, I just make it look a lil messy in the front. J Keep it simple right? Plus my only goal when wearing a lacefront is to make it look like I have a scalp and I got guuud hair. LOL.

Thanks for reading. This is my preference and opinion. Sometimes you have to do stuff that fits YOU and not others. J I hope this has helped someone and to the female who asked me to do a detailed video…. I GOT CHA GURLLL! Its coming!
