Bad Lace Wig Applications: 5 Things NOT to Do!

Yup, I am guilty of it. I am guilty of having a bad application, but it was a learning experience. Sometimes I slip, but I catch myself. :)

5 things I See That People Do Wrong When It Comes 2 Lace Wigs:

1. Thick Hairlines....who has a hairline that’s 100% - 150% thick? Why do vendors do this?

2. Cutting Lace.....The lace is cut straight across. Sometimes you need to cut the lace at an angle to keep the lace from being so obvious.

3. Visible Lace....The lace on the lace wig does not match your skin tone. All it takes to combat this is a makeup brush and foundation for your skin tone. Take a little and dab it on the lace.

4. Glueing baby hair to the skin....Oh I am SOOOO guilty of this, lol...I don’t do it on purpose but sometimes when I tie the hair down they fall like that. But its only on the sides and not my front. And 99% of the time the hair is covering my sides. But I am referring to the people who purposely glue the baby hairs down. The picture above or below is a good example.

5. Applying it too low. My rule of thumb is if I can't put 4 fingers between the start of the lace wig and my eyebrows then it’s too low. I have a big 5 head so I am good at this now, but when I first started I was wearing it too low. It looked like my side part was connecting with my eyebrow. ß-exaggerating, lol

But in the end ladies....these are only tips. At the end of the day if you like the way your lace wig look, then that is all that should matter. :)


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