^^^Yup, that's my Stomach^^^
If you follow my blog you know that I got the "smart lipo" procedure a couple of years ago. I have been able to maintain my weight and keep my stomach flat. The reason I got it is because I was lazy. Sad but true...BUT I am glad I did it. Okay, lets be real we all know by now that you can not get a flat stomach by doing 100 crunches or sit-ups a day. Yes you are working out but you are working out the muscle behind the fat. Once you loose that extra fat then you will begin to see your muscle definition. Thats the reason I decided to get the smart lipo....to speed up the process, lol.
For the last couple of weeks I started walking around the track with my boyfriend and its been great, but I decided to teach myself what was going to work for me. So I went online and got some tips. Most people are working out the WRONG way. I downloaded this book last week and starting reading it. I was skeptical at first because it looked like one of those cheesy..."I wanna make money" books...but the author, Mike really breaks it down for you. He is a personal trainer so he gets straight to the facts. If you are like me you are lazy, lol....he gives some good tips on how to take advantage of a fitness ball and he shows you how to do various exercises. He breaks it down step by step. He covers all the lies about getting a flat stomach fast.
Another thing I liked about his book is its sort of like a school workbook and a magazine / novel at the same time. It kept my attention and I feel like my money was not wasted. If you choose to check it out you can view it here. It's your option to buy it...at 1st I was like oh no when I went to the site then something said everything isn't free, lol....so I brought it. Anyway here is the link: Get Rid of Stomach Fat. Let me know how it works out for you. I got the info, now I just need to apply it. :)
Your stomach still looks great. Truth is I am saving up for Smart Lipo. For the most part I am in good shape. Since my c-section I can feel my abs, I just can't see them. I am looking forward to having this procedure done. You've sold me on it years ago.