Buying Products Labeled for Hair Versus Directly Buying The Source!

   First, let me say, I love natural beauty tips for natural hair growth! Female hair loss amongst my sisters is rising due to improper use of relaxers, curling irons and damaging hair products. Most commercial products target us by labeling their products with attracting words such as: fast hair growth, creme of nature, organic oil, longer hair faster and so on. They even mix it full of yummy fragrances. Its all just a way to lure in  the "clueless" or the "uneducated on hair." <-- Don't take that as an insult, because you know its the truth. 
   How many times have you been in Wal-Mart with your friend and they say, "Girl, this product smells good and it has pure coconut oil in it!" It's true! Then you look at the bottle that your friend is holding and the 1st ingredient in it is Petroleum and the second is mineral oil! You instantly know that product is not 100% pure of coconut oil! Why not just BUY a bottle of coconut oil? Why do you need to buy a "specially formulated" mixture that is labeled for hair use? 
   You ever heard its better to go straight to the source? LOL, Yes just buy the coconut oil out of the food section and keep it moving lol. This is also good for eliminating standing in the "hair section" of the store for 1 hour! LOL!   
