I have just realized it has been 5 months since my last relaxer. My last relaxer was 05 February! My hair is getting harder and harder to manage out here. The two textures is driving me crazy. I think I have lost A LOT of hair on my right side due to this. I may even have a PATCH of hair lost L I will see once I finally relax. This water out here sucks. I pray that on my next relaxer I do not have a “set back.” Lesson learned…when you are stretching your relaxer you have to be smart about it and KNOW when to stop. This water is horrible is out here….no filters. I hate to lose progress. I tried to flat iron my hair every blue moon to make it easier but it pointless because I still have to detangle…. SMH. I will be home on vacation from 16 July – 09 Aug so stay tuned for a relaxer update! YEAHH!!
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