Relaxer Update with TRIM 30 June 2012

Sorry for the delay..You know I went to the Dominican Salon. The lady applied the relaxer with  small tooth comb! Wellllll actually she only used it to go through the roots one time but that mess HURT because I had so must new growth! After I told her the relaxer was burning she took her darn time taking me to wash it out! Thank god I didn't get any relaxer burns.

Finally after washing the relaxer out she deep conditioned my hair , let me sit under the dryer with them big ole rollers, did a mini "blow out", flat ironed my hair and BEGGED me to clip my ends. At first I was going hard like NO Lady leave me alone...then she was like I will even do them for free. I was under pressure because my poor hair looked so thin. :( I hadn't did ANY deep conditioning to my hair since February! I did it to myself. Also my hair thinned out SO bad. I can see my scalp at the top a little. I believe I may have suffered from something because remember when my hair was itching and shedding a lot? Well that's when I was loosing hair. It may be the Afghan water so when I return I will start to using bottled water. are the pic's. I'm depressed a little but its my own fault....I just had to learn my lesson  the hard way... SMH. So I was almost bra strap now I am back at APL....
 She was supposed to just CLIPPED my ends and this is how much she cut off! 
