Though I have proven I can GROW my hair I have not proven that I can maintain the health of my hair. I really should be ashamed of my hair. I have been so focused on these darn lace wigs that I forget to take my pills, WASH my hair and DEEP Condition. At one time I thought I was back on track but I fell off and my hair paid for it. Ya'll its like I have strands on my head...I don't have a head of hair. I am seriously thinking about cutting it off. I dunno though. I will attempt to get back on track again by co washing a lot and see what happens. I am not completely discourage. I am happy I have growth but I am PISSED that the health of my hair fell off. Anyway I just wanted to share this with you. One thing I noticed that I did not use megatek alot and my hair still grew. I know it was the Visical and Hairfinity pills I was taking. Oh last thing I used the Soft and Beautiful relaxer from the PX. It really did good and did NOT burn my scalp at all as the ORS did. I will try it again in a couple of months. Oh I also notice that my hair really do not like those extra long 6 month stretches. I loose more hair detangling that anything...SMH. We below is a picture of my last relaxer in June or July 2012 when I got a happy scissor Dominican stylist and the second was yesterday. Longer but ALOT Thinner!
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